Dramatic Piano & Strings

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Dramatic Piano & Strings JW2349

Inspiring, dramatic and expressive modern classical and cinematic themes for stunning strings and passionate piano, featuring driving staccato rhythms, playful pizzicato, empowering melodies and majestic motifs.

JW Media Music JW2349

  • 001Big BeaconFull2:18
  • 002Flying HighFull1:45
  • 003Heirs and GracenotesFull2:25
  • 004Dancers In The DarkFull2:47
  • 005Watson In PursuitFull2:38
  • 006Running With The WindFull3:02
  • 007Dark TimesFull2:10
  • 008The Dawn ParadeFull2:50
  • 009Dreaming Under GlassFull2:47
  • 010LuminescenseFull2:26
  • 011Big BeaconUnderscore2:18
  • 012Big Beacon60 Second Edit1:00
  • 013Big Beacon60 Second Underscore1:00
  • 014Big Beacon30 Second Edit0:30
  • 015Big Beacon30 Second Underscore0:30
  • 016Flying HighUnderscore1:45
  • 017Flying High60 Second Edit1:01
  • 018Flying High60 Second Underscore1:01
  • 019Flying High30 Second Edit0:31
  • 020Flying High30 Second Underscore0:31
  • 021Heirs And GracenotesUnderscore2:25
  • 022Heirs And Gracenotes60 Second Edit1:01
  • 023Heirs And Gracenotes60 Second Underscore1:01
  • 024Heirs And Gracenotes30 Second Edit0:29
  • 025Heirs And Gracenotes30 Second Underscore0:29
  • 026Dancers In The DarkAlternative Arrangement0:59
  • 027Dancers In The DarkUnderscore2:47
  • 028Dancers In The Dark60 Second Edit1:00
  • 029Dancers In The Dark60 Second Underscore1:00
  • 030Dancers In The Dark30 Second Edit0:31
  • 031Dancers In The Dark30 Second Underscore0:30
  • 032Watson In PursuitAlternative Version0:29
  • 033Watson In PursuitUnderscore2:38
  • 034Watson In Pursuit60 Second Edit1:00
  • 035Watson In Pursuit60 Second Underscore1:00
  • 036Watson In Pursuit30 Second Edit0:30
  • 037Watson In Pursuit30 Second Underscore0:30
  • 038Running With The WindAlternative Version0:39
  • 039Running With The WindAlternative Arrangement0:38
  • 040Running With The WindUnderscore3:02
  • 041Running With The Wind60 Second Edit1:00
  • 042Running With The Wind60 Second Underscore1:00
  • 043Running With The Wind30 Second Edit0:31
  • 044Running With The Wind30 Second Underscore0:31
  • 045Dark TimesUnderscore2:10
  • 046Dark Times60 Second Edit1:00
  • 047Dark Times60 Second Underscore1:00
  • 048Dark Times30 Second Edit0:31
  • 049Dark Times30 Second Underscore0:31
  • 050The Dawn ParadeAlternative Version0:30
  • 051The Dawn ParadeUnderscore2:50
  • 052The Dawn Parade60 Second Edit1:01
  • 053The Dawn Parade60 Second Underscore1:01
  • 054The Dawn ParadeAlternative 60 Second Edit1:01
  • 055The Dawn ParadeAlternative 60 Second Underscore1:01
  • 056The Dawn Parade30 Second Edit0:30
  • 057The Dawn Parade30 Second Underscore0:30
  • 058Dreaming Under GlassUnderscore2:46
  • 059Dreaming Under Glass60 Second Edit1:00
  • 060Dreaming Under Glass60 Second Underscore1:00
  • 061Dreaming Under Glass30 Second Edit0:31
  • 062Dreaming Under Glass30 Second Underscore0:31
  • 063LuminescenseUnderscore2:26
  • 064Luminescense60 Second Edit1:02
  • 065Luminescense60 Second Underscore1:02
  • 066Luminescense30 Second Edit0:29
  • 067Luminescense30 Second Underscore0:29




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