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Playlist von: Ring Musik
Erstellt am: 17.03.2020
Trackanzahl: 27
Gesamtspielzeit: 1:01:39

  • EM5271: The VerbMain2:11
    Low and slow atmosphere with repeated percussion and distant spoken voices
  • HPM4204: Finding The CureMain2:32
    Slow and floating ambient eletronica bed, evoking barren landscapes and breath taking nature.
  • HPM4156: Ambient BeautyNo Perc1:20
    Suspenseful ambient drone with mutiple layers of subtle movement creating a chilling atmosphere.
  • HPM4213: Sellectronic Tension BeatsMain1:38
    Suspenseful cinema underscore creating anticipation and edge in action and high energy settings.
  • HPM4213: Dynamic VortexMain2:54
    Slow and serene ambient soundscape evoking barren landscapes, space and breath taking nature.
  • EM5318: Evening PlansUnderscore2:28
    Urban slow electro pop track with cut vocal samples, intimate synth pattern and hip hop drums.
  • EM5281: Waiting for HappinessMain1:18
    Intimist and mysyterious ethereal mood. Spatial atmosphere with muffled and reverberated sounds.
  • HPM4156: Driving Tension TwoMain1:19
    Cool science-tech underscore drone with light tension evoking tech, innovation, robots and laboratories.
  • EM5287: Cardio StressRemix A2:40
    Slow and terrific mood, suspenseful. The murderer is in the house...
  • EM5317: Unfinished PuzzleUnderscore2:38
    Long rising acoustic hopeful and luminous electronica with mixed piano and synth arp. Delicate anti climax. Cello ending theme.
  • EM5287: Cardio StressRemix B2:40
    Slow and terrific mood, suspenseful. The murderer is in the house...
  • EM5317: Sound ArchitectUnderscore3:06
    Delicate and elegant mood with felt piano arp, emotional cello theme and pluck synth arp.
  • HPM4153: AeonMain1:27
    Eerie and unsettling electronica drone soundscape evoking mysterious wastelands and barren landscapes.
  • HPM4153: StreamMain1:37
    Floating modern orchestral drone soundscape for light etheral documentary moments.
  • EM5317: Hammering PianoUnderscore2:17
    Confident and motivational electronica with pounding piano, synth arp and beat.
  • EM5304: Divine InspirationAlternate 24:27
    Dark and slow urban mood with mysterious strings theme and synths.
  • EM5304: Black ArtsAlternate 12:08
    Long rising suspense and mysterious mood with wide synths and strings.
  • HPM4154: MorphNo Beat1:11
    Creepy science fiction drama drone electronic accompaniment with a light percussive beat, creating a sense of floating in space.
  • EM5287: Blunt ForceMain2:36
    Pulsing and percussive underscore that perfectly fits in an investigation report.
  • EM5317: Random DistanceUnderscore2:13
    Ethereal and melancholic piano theme with peaceful electronica perc. Mysterious ending.
  • EM5317: Broken GatesUnderscore2:35
    Mysterious piano intro turning into confident remixed piano electronica. Poignant cello ending.
  • EM5304: BlacklistedAlternate 33:54
    Heavy urban dark mood with pulsing synths and strings.
  • EM5304: DifferentialAlternate 23:09
    Strange and ominous rising mood with pulsing and wide synths.
  • HPM4156: Drone KitMain1:09
    Eerie and unsettling tension drone soundscape evoking wastelands and barren landscapes, with additional loopable layers.
  • HPM4156: Minor Deep DroneMain1:18
    Ominous space-inspired drone track creating a sense of isolation and darkness.
  • EM5300: Surgery In SpaceUnderscore2:17
    Investigation, technologic and futuristic mood with urgent driving bass and time-clicking perc.
  • EM5300: Weather BeatenUnderscore2:37
    Supernatural mood with gritty wood perc and eerie acoustic pads. Mysterious piano theme @ 0:50.




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